The Annex
The Annex is located at 3 Bagnoo Place and is licensed for up to 25 children per day. The service operates on a multi- aged grouping model, for children aged 3-5years.
Our Learning Environment
The Annex offers a unique learning environment. The small grouping provides a family like environment, that is both peaceful and relaxed! The multi-aged grouping allows siblings the opportunity to be educated together. The learning environment is intimate and more home-like.
Our Quality Rating
Port Macquarie Community Preschool Annex has been rated as EXCEEDING the National Quality Standard (NQS), by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
A rating of Exceeding NQS means that we are exceeding in the quality and provision early childhood education.
It is recognition of our educators ongoing dedication and commitment to going ‘above and beyond’ the requirements of the National Quality Standard! We pride ourselves on going the 'extra mile'.
Our Learning Program
Children thrive in the Annex's inclusive environment, where educators are responsive to the child's ideas and interests. The Early Years Learning Framework is our guiding curriculum document. This along with the children’s interests and family input are the major influences of the program.
Our Day
The Annex caters to families who need the flexibility to choose their day combinations, yet still offering consistency of educators and program.
Preschool hours are from 8.15am to 3.45pm each day.
Play Based Learning
At the Annex, our educators actively promote play-based learning. Educators hold high expectations of children, who are encouraged to be active learners. Free to follow their interests and curiosities in a supportive environment.
Children are naturally motivated to play in the beautiful natural learning environment. Our play-based program builds on this motivation, using play as a context for learning. In this context, children can explore, experiment, discover and solve problems in imaginative and playful ways.
A play-based approach involves both child-initiated and educator-supported learning. Our highly skilled educators, will encourage child’s learning and inquiry through purposeful interactions, that aim to stretch thinking skills to higher levels.
Our free flowing rhythm of the day, provides children with large blocks of unhurried time. We promote that children engage in uninterrupted play, to develop their creativity and imagination. We believe that unstructured child centered play, develops a child's skills cognitive skills of decision making and problem-solving.
Communicating with families
Respectful, open and honest interactions guide all that we do at the Annex. Having smaller group sizes really does develop strong relationships between the family and the service. We use a communication app called StoryPark, to communicate online with families. The StoryPark app enables educators to share the happenings of your child's day.
StoryPark is an easy-to-use private service, that helps educators, parents and families work together to record, share and extend children's learning. Our educators will post updates on your child’s day, capturing your child's learning and development, by posting photos, videos, stories, moments, and newsletters.
Need more information?
Call our Administration Office today