How to enrol

We would love to have your child join us at Port Macquarie Community Preschool.If your child is already between the ages of 3 and 5 years, and you would like them to attend in the near future, we encourage you to contact us directly to find out which centre has the availability to meet your needs.

If your child is too young, we recommend that you place them on the Waiting List to ensure they will be offered a place when they turn 3 years. Simply fill in the form and return it to us or call us directly and we will let you know the next step in the process.

If you are interested in a tour of the preschool, please contact us and we will arrange one. We also organise Stay and Play orientation sessions at the preschool prior to your child attending, so they are familiar and comfortable with staff, other children and the environment before they enrol.

2024 Fees

From January 2023 the NSW Government funding guidelines were redesigned from the previous “Start Strong” guidelines to meet the objectives of the “Preschool Reform Agreement” (PRA) and “Affordable Preschool” (AP).   Affordable Preschool provides fee relief funding to NSW families and supports 600 hours a year (or 2 days per week) of access to quality Preschool education. Families who use more than one type of Early Childhood Education and Care service cannot allocate their fee relief funding to both services. They must choose which service they will allocate their fee relief funding to on enrolment.

All families need to complete a fee funding declaration, which will ask you to nominate the Early Childhood service which you would like to allocate your fee relief funding to.

Below is our fee structure, which shows the fees with fee relief funding and without.

Category 1 - Families who have a Health Care Card, Pension Card or Veterans Card. Families who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or Families who have a child with a diagnosed additional need

Daily Fee with Fee Relief Funding - NO FEE

Daily Fee without Fee Relief Funding - $25 per day 


Category 2 - Funded 4-5 year olds and partially funded 3 year olds

Daily Fee with Fee Relief Funding - NO FEE for 600 hours (2 days) $50 for a third day

Daily Fee without Fee Relief Funding - $50 per day


Bus Transportation Fees 

NO FEE with Fee Relief Funding allocation

$4 per trip without Fee Relief Funding allocation


Need more information?

Call our Administration Office today